All about Texas no-limit hold'em poker. Blinds, checks, check-raises, poker hands, poker hand nicknames, poker trivia, raise, semi-bluffs, and other Texas no-limit hold'em terms.
a) when you have a very weak hand and win
b) when you have a very strong hand, but lose to a hand that wins as a result of a lucky draw by that opponent
2) What is suited?
a) having two or more cards of the same suite
b) having hearts
A big full is a full house made where the three of a kind has higher ranking cards than the pair. If the flop is A-A-7 and you have an ace and seven, you have the big full. Your full house would be A-A-A-7-7.
An underfull is a full house made where the three of a kind has lower ranking cards than the pair. If the flop is A-A-7 and you have pocket 7's, you can be beaten by the big full. Your full house would be 7-7-7-A-A. The big full would be A-A-A-7-7.
No pair or high card is the lowest hand. Just the highest card in the hand is of value. A high card can win if everyone else folds. Also, at a showdown. This hand above is ace-high.